This game is only a prototype. There is currently one level in the game. I'm unsure if this will be developed further in the future.


The name’s Kassidy, Kool Kassidy. Leader of the biker gang “THE DAWGS” Kassidy is always looking after his squad. Don’t be afraid though, Kassidy will chat with almost anybody, y’know, because he’s cool like that. Just don’t get on his bad side, however, Kool Kassidy can kick ass and ain’t afraid to throw down. Don’t believe me? Well, just look at his stature. I know, intimidating right? Bare chest out, jacket with ripped sleeves, a “love Mom” tattoo dead center of his chest. Good lord, this guy’s got it all! Trust me, the guy’s got strength too, and he has the beer belly to back it up. Not to mention he has the cutting-edge looks that gets him all the ladies (or guys. It’s okay, Kool Kassidy doesn’t judge, y’know, because he’s cool like that). Kassidy is constantly looking for adventure, ready for anything life throws his way.


Kool_Kassidy_Download.zip 34 MB

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